B2B organisations

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Successful marketing for B2B organisations

If you’re selling products or services B2B the person buying is wearing a work hat. This means the decision-making process is usually driven by the head not the heart – things like price, quality and ROI. But don’t underestimate people-power! The decision-maker might seek out the important business metrics but they’re still human - and that’s where tone, values and cultural fit come in.

Marketing to meet your B2B objectives >>

B2B bosses, who is your marketing talking to?

You could have multiple products or services that are designed for a variety of audiences. Or you might be a ‘one service for one audience’ kind of outfit. It sounds strange to say that lots of businesses can’t clearly articulate who their target market is, but if that’s you don’t worry, it’s not unusual!

Over time a business can lose sight of who their primary audience is, a fresh pair of eyes can bring that sharply into focus. You can’t market yourself clearly without this knowledge.

B2B organisations, clarify your services!

Clearly explaining what your products and services are, leaves your customers with no question about what they’re buying. It can be complicated if you’re offering a niche product or service,: all the more important to find the right words to explain things. 

Creating a marketing strategy will help you to recognise what you're offering.

When do B2B customers need to know about you?

Working out when people need to hear from you, steers when and where you push out your marketing. Understanding when your audience need you, means you can tailor your marketing activities. Online, this might be targeted adverts, email campaigns or social media posts. Offline, it could be as simple as attending the right trade shows. Timing matters because it helps to focus where you need to spend your money.

Why does your B2B service matter?

Finally, all your marketing content should convey why your service matters. The building blocks for this come in the form of key messages. A tight set of statements that can be woven in to everything you do going forward. 

Key messages are a systematic way of outlining how your service makes an impact on the people you’re working to help. Key messages will give your organisation building blocks for all future marketing and communications work. 

A defined marketing strategy will make sure budget is spent wisely. A strategic approach allows you to target the right people, with the right messages, at the right time.

If you’d like to have an informal conversation about marketing strategy or you need some help writing interesting and engaging marketing content, then please do get in touch.