Marketing content

A green plant on a wood background. A red pen. A list of marketing content in a notebook.

Find the right words to tell your story & drive your marketing forward.

Create marketing content that works hard for you!

If you’ve got your marketing strategy sorted, you’ll have a clear idea of what’s important to your audience. With a solid bank of key messages in place, you’ll have the building blocks to inform everything you do. I can help you to create a marketing plan to organise your marketing activities, or I can dip in and help you with individual tasks, such as improving your website copy.

Impactful marketing content >>

Tone of voice

Creating tone of voice guidelines for your team, will help to shape all your marketing and communications going forward. Websites, intranet, annual reports, company brochures, social media posts, articles, recruitment materials … even company signage. Every word you put out should reinforce the culture and vibe of your business. It’s the unseen undercurrent of subtlety that gives people a strong impression of what it’s like to work with you. When it’s right nobody notices. When it’s wrong, it’s a massive red flag!

I can help you to understand what kind of tone of voice is right for you, considering the sector you’re in and the culture of your organisation.

Corporate marketing materials

Websites, intranet, annual reports, company brochures all the things that you might need to be ‘official’. A clear tone of voice and established key messages will help you to create relevant and interesting corporate marketing materials.

I can work with you to create high quality, consistent content that can be replicated across many different formats.

Regular marketing updates 

The basic foundations of marketing – blogs, newsletters and social media posts. These are regular updates so your customers can see what you’re up to. In some situations this content may drive enquiries or create leads, in general it gives a layer of credibility when a customer checks you out. Good updates are full of personality and variety and don’t always need to be individually curated. For example, a single case study may provide lots of useful nuggets for social media posts or articles.

A newsfeed on a website that’s not been updated for months or years implies you’re in hibernation. I can help you show your customers that you’re alive and ready for action!

Sales support information

Case studies and presentations are vital sales tools, particular in B2B marketing where customers like plenty of technical details to make a decision. A case study is often a meaty piece of work, but if done well is also a rich source for other content, such as articles or social media posts. Case studies are simply stories that show the difference you have made to your customers’ lives. Whatever sector you’re in, if you have satisfied customers who are prepared to tell their side of the story, you have a great sales tool.

Recruitment materials

How you portray your culture, vision and values – as well as the nuts and bolts of job specifications – is crucial in attracting the right candidates. You want to attract people that ‘get you’. If you’re an organisation that’s fuelled by dotting the i's and crossing the t's … you don’t want anyone too laid back.

Job adverts, ‘work for us’ web pages, recruitment brochures, staff stories … I can help you create the right employer brand to attract the best people.

Email marketing

This can be a great way of creating regular touch points with your customers throughout the year, perhaps with newsletters or case studies. Or maybe you want to try targeted email campaigns to drives sales.

I can help you find the right way to frame your message to make sure that you don’t get moved straight to the junk folder.

Good quality content can be re-versioned for multiple purposes, get the source information right and you can get it to work in multiple situations.

A more strategic approach to your marketing writing will give you much more value. Get in touch to talk it through.